Gas boiler with text "gas boiler ban 2025"

What Will Replace Gas Boilers in 2025?

The year 2025 is poised to mark a significant turning point in the UK’s approach to home heating. With the potential ban on gas boilers looming, the nation is taking a stride towards combating climate change and adopting more sustainable heating alternatives.

As a forward-thinking plumbing and heating company, All Plumbing Services Ltd is committed to guiding homeowners through this transition.

In this article, we explore the range of alternatives that are set to reshape the landscape of heating technology beyond gas boilers, particularly focusing on the implications for new build homes post-2025.

Heat Pumps: Pioneering Sustainable Heating

Heat pump outside building

Leading the pack of alternatives is the revolutionary heat pump technology. These systems work by extracting heat from the air or ground and transferring it indoors, offering impressive efficiency and minimal carbon emissions.

While the upfront cost might seem substantial, various government incentives and grants are making heat pumps increasingly accessible to homeowners across the UK.

Hydrogen Boilers: Bridging the Gap to Green Heating

Hydrogen boiler in home

Hydrogen boilers emerge as a pivotal bridge between traditional gas boilers and fully sustainable heating systems. By burning hydrogen gas, these boilers generate heat and water vapour, producing negligible emissions.

However, the widespread adoption of hydrogen boilers hinges on resolving challenges related to hydrogen production and distribution.

Biomass Boilers: Harnessing Nature's Energy

biomass boiler in persons home

Another compelling option is the utilisation of biomass boilers, which leverage organic materials like wood pellets or agricultural waste to generate heat.

Operating on a carbon-neutral principle, they balance out emitted carbon dioxide with the carbon absorbed during plant growth. While biomass boilers require a steady supply of biomass fuel, they offer a renewable and eco-conscious heating solution.

Solar Thermal Systems: Embracing Solar Power for Heat

solar panels on roof of house

Solar thermal systems capture sunlight to directly heat water or air within homes. Although they may not replace gas boilers entirely, they play a vital role in supplementing heating needs and reducing overall energy consumption.

Recent advancements have enhanced their efficiency and affordability, making them a viable choice for environmentally conscious homeowners.

District Heating: Uniting Sustainability and Community

District heating site with large plumbing

District heating involves centralising heat production and distributing it to multiple buildings. This approach taps into diverse heat sources, including renewables and industrial waste heat.

Beyond its environmental advantages, district heating fosters a sense of communal sustainability and shared responsibility.

Understanding the Scope of the Ban:

It’s essential to clarify that the proposed 2025 gas boiler ban specifically targets new installations, predominantly affecting new build homes from 2025 onward.

Essentially, homes constructed after this date will require a different type of heating system. As All Plumbing Services Ltd remains at the forefront of plumbing and heating innovation, we are fully prepared to assist homeowners in navigating this transition.

Our goal is to ensure that homeowners make informed decisions that align with sustainable and energy-efficient heating options.


The impending 2025 gas boiler ban highlights the UK’s unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility and a greener future. As All Plumbing Services Ltd continues to lead in innovation, we understand the critical importance of embracing new technologies to meet the evolving demands of home heating.

From heat pumps to biomass boilers, each alternative offers a unique opportunity to reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a more sustainable living environment.

As the ban draws closer, we encourage homeowners to explore these alternatives, making choices that not only benefit the environment but also pave the way for a brighter future for generations to come. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the planet and create a legacy of responsible heating practices.